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The North Carolina points system is a reason to fight that ticket

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2021 | Uncategorized |

Being able to track a driver’s performance out on public roads is crucial for the state and insurance providers alike. Knowing someone’s driving history can help the courts decide how to handle a serious traffic offense. That knowledge can also help an insurance company assess the right premium for a driver.

North Carolina, like a lot of states, has a points system for those cited for traffic infractions. Every ticket can result in someone accruing a certain number of points on their license. Only by fighting back against the pending traffic ticket can someone potentially avoid those points, which come with two significant consequences for drivers. 

North Carolina’s point system impacts your insurance costs

Most states with a points system allow insurance providers to validate a driver’s history and check the number of points they have on their records. The insurance company may then increase what they charge individual drivers based on their history.

In North Carolina, the state actually refers to the points assessed against someone’s license as insurance points. They have a direct effect on what a driver will pay for their policy.

A driver with one additional point added to their license can expect a 30% rate increase. A driver cited for a 2-point offense will face a 45% rate increase, and three-point fences can increase their price by 60%. The maximum increase a driver could face is as much as 340% of the original costs if they accrue 12 points on their license.

Too many traffic tickets can temporarily cost you your license

Insurance prices aren’t the only thing at risk after you get a ticket. Your license itself could be vulnerable. If you accrue 12 points within three years, the state can suspend your license. After that, it only takes another eight points in the following three years to cost you your license again.

The length of the suspension will increase each time. A first suspension for points will last for 60 days, while a second will last for six months. Anyone who has their license suspended three or more times will lose their driving privileges for an entire year.